Articles from AdvanceNet

Archive by tag: digitizationReturn
How Digitization is Reinventing Procurement Workflows
article by DocuSign Blog
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| Categories: Digital Transaction Management, Electronic Signature | Tags: docusign, electronic signature, procurement, digitization, digitisation, digital transformation | View Count: (4334)
Is Your Business Ready for the New Pace of Digital Transformation?
While digital transformation has ostensibly been on top of the CIO’s agenda for years, the reality is that many businesses have been slow on the uptake. Recent events like the lockdown in South Africa and across the world have forced their hand, and those that were on the back foot are now scrambling to keep up.
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| Categories: Digital Transformation | Tags: digital transformation, digitization, digitisation, automation, coronavirus, covid-19 | View Count: (4479)
How COVID-19 Has Emphasised the Need for Digital Transformation
When it comes to digital transformation, COVID-19 has been a massive accelerant. Businesses with long-term transformation deadlines have been forced to bring them forward dramatically: what was once planned for 18 months’ time, now has to be ready immediately.
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| Categories: Digital Transformation | Tags: digital transformation, digitization, digitisation, covid-19, coronavirus, automation | View Count: (4209)